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2005-12-29 - Au Voir, mon ami
2005-12-19 - Things you don't see on the nightly news!
2005-12-02 - Reunited, cuz it feels so good
2005-12-01 - Look Out Below!
2005-11-21 - The Return of the McCarthy Era: I want you to know that I know.
2005-11-18 - Par le vous francais?
2005-11-09 - day-o, daaaaaaay-o daylight come and me want to go home
2005-10-19 - Oh, Yeah!
2005-10-19 - Aren't they cute?
2005-10-17 - Sewing some wild oates
2005-10-13 - Money, money,money, Mon-ey MON EEEEEE!
2005-09-30 - Bad, bad Company, Till the Day I Dieeeee
2005-09-27 - Work, work, work, that's all I do all day...
2005-09-23 - I'm gonna break this rusty cage, and run
2005-09-22 - Spidermann, Spiderman, if I can't catch you, no one can
2005-09-22 - Mom, do you ever get that "Not So Fresh" feeling?
2005-09-21 - Crafty, Crafty
2005-09-20 - School's Out for Summer!
2005-09-16 - Hamburger, Hamburger!
2005-09-14 - Not So Funny!
2005-08-15 - Put a shirt on goddamnit!
2005-08-03 - I don't know any songs about Portland
2005-07-20 - No news is good news
2005-07-18 - In Which I Implore Thee to Act!
2005-07-14 - Finally, it's happend to me, it's right in front of my face
2005-07-13 - Pork Chops and Apple Sauce
2005-06-30 - Da Bomb
2005-06-23 - Snark attack!
2005-06-09 - Cocktails, anyone?
2005-06-08 - It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache
2005-06-01 - Captain Mohawk
2005-05-18 - Cheep, cheep, cheep!
2005-05-11 - Nancy Reagan, you're a doll!
2005-05-11 - Nancy Reagan, you're a doll!
2005-05-10 - I Can't Go Home Again
2005-04-18 - The Devil Wears Kitty Cat Applique
2005-04-04 - I am not hungover.
2005-03-17 - She Tried To Be Good!
2005-03-07 - The Worst Luck, EVER!
2005-03-02 - Am I really here?
2005-02-14 - Granny get your gun!
2005-02-11 - Vacation's all I ever wanted
2005-02-08 - This could suck less
2005-02-03 - Less Congesty, More Resty
2005-01-27 - Quit sneezing on me!
2005-01-26 - body fluids
2005-01-21 - Bumper Sticker Maven
2005-01-11 - om
2005-01-10 - Cha Cha Cha Changes
2005-01-07 - Ooooh, harder!
2005-01-03 - Butt, butt, butt
2004-12-29 - Sea of Heartache
2004-12-28 - Wow! Wow! Wow!
2004-12-17 - Psychic gleanings
2004-12-16 - handjob
2004-12-16 - That's Just My Pants Burning
2004-12-14 - Sundays are for Charlemagne
2004-12-10 - Mitch the Munchkin
2004-12-09 - Tammy Wynette and the Dinette Sets!
2004-12-08 - Wimpster or not a wimpster
2004-12-07 - The Kid Likes Boobs!
2004-12-02 - Och, aye.
2004-11-30 - In Which I do myself in- Again!
2004-11-29 - No Turkey for You!
2004-11-24 - Thanksgiving Vortex Sutra
2004-11-19 - Scream-whisper
2004-11-18 - Yo Ho Yo Ho -A Pirates Life for Me!
2004-11-17 - Gotta Go!
2004-11-16 - Not a happy camper am I
2004-11-12 - Phantom Limb/Kid Syndrom
2004-11-11 - mini christ
2004-11-10 - Giant Turkeys on Freeway
2004-11-09 - The Bushies are Coming!
2004-11-05 - Here kitty kitty kitty
2004-11-04 - Yogurt & Granola is Yummy
2004-11-03 - We're done for 11-02-04 RIP
2004-11-02 - Don't Forget to Vote!
2004-10-29 - a whole lotta ramblin
2004-10-28 - wet ass
2004-10-27 - Not Routine
2004-10-25 - Bind & Grew
2004-10-22 - Off my Nut
2004-10-21 - In which I throw up
2004-10-15 - Cast of Characters who mostly Love Me!
2004-10-14 - Real Reasons To Love Me
2004-10-14 - In Which the kitten is tossed into the shower with me

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